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Manifest what you really want

Do you know what you need from life?

Do you know what makes you happy?

When you ask a young child what they want to do when they grow up, they either don’t know (I am going with the flow you idiot, why do you ask me to pin something down in time and space?), or they give you a clear idea of what would make them happy. We often dismiss those ‘innocent’ ideas as unrealistic or unformed, but actually – they have the right idea.

Many of us had dreams as a child. Many of us were able to experience joy on a regular basis, and a wonder about life. It’s this that made our childhood an enchanted place, no matter what happened around us.

Then we grew up, and we lost that sense of wonder. We lost who we really were, and why we were put on this earth.

We then started living lives determined by ‘I need to’, ‘I should’, and ‘I can’t’. We started to feel that we could not make our dreams come true. But what if we can?

What if you can ask for what you want and make it happen?

This happened to me today.

I had made several very intentional requests from the universe.

1. I want to meet more heart-based people and practitioners to hang out and work with.

2. I want to find a beautiful, local, heart-based space to run workshops from and reach out to more of the community.

3. I want to tap into my local community more, and do more for those who are making the transition from old paradigm to new paradigm.

4. I want to create new ideas and possibilities.

5. I want to move away from competition and learn how to co-create. Step away from the old paradigm of leadership and work more with sovereignty.

Out of the blue, someone sent me information about an initiative nearby, and today we met. To say that the environment was beautiful would be an understatement. Joy and creativity were sparkling from every corner of the place. Community, a living room away from home, and on top of that, a bunch of the most beautiful practitioners with big visions.

I was so touched, I cried. Everybody else felt the same. What a privilege to be there, and be part of this co-creation!

Every person there felt like I’d known them forever. I felt safe, understood, accepted, and valued. Something I haven’t felt very often.

And I knew in that moment in time that the universe had given me what I had asked for. In fact, it had given me more than I had asked for.

The ‘leaders’ (who don’t call themselves leaders but hey, they started it!) are masters at creating vision, funding and at co-creation. There was literally so much space to create together, and the people at the meeting were so keen to work together, it was an effortless process.

It was effortless to stay in my observer state, as there was very little that was triggering me.

And I realised – all the training I’ve had with all the triggering people and circumstances around me has been super valuable. But it’s sooooo nice to be in an environment where I don’t have to work so hard at it. An environment where I feel at home. For the first time in my life.

Thank you, UNIVERSE!

Anyway, I digress.

So, I realised that what I need to flourish is an environment where I feel valued and understood.

I kind of knew that, but because I had never been able to manifest it fully, I hadn’t realised how much nicer it would be if I could create it.

So instead, I focused on learning to be with the environment where I did not feel valued and understood. Which taught me so many tools, and so many things, and I am so grateful that I got to experience all of that.

And today I realised that when we create what we want and need and bring it into our reality, life can feel very different.

So, I am asking you: what do you need?

Do you know what you need?

If you’re keen to figure it out and learn more about how to bring this into your life, here is an opportunity to play around with the concepts of creation.

Creating with the universe workshop

Delve into what you want, how you want to feel in your life, and play with some cool concepts and tools to make it happen. We will look at the power of breathing, meditation, visioning, values, and manifesting. It’s going to be fun, exciting, and powerful.

You will:

1. Gain clarity on what you want,

2. Learn to use breathing and meditation to change your state of mind,

3. Gain clarity on what values you want to live by,

4. Create a vision for your life,

5. Generate more faith that what you want is actually going to happen,

6. Learn and practise the basics of manifesting.

Sunday 25th September, from 1-4pm.

The cost of this workshop is $111. I have not added it to my website yet, so just message me if you want to join me. A deposit of $55 will secure your place.

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